Material composition:LCD lights consist of thin fluorescent tubes which distributes the light across the surface. Some of the fluorescent substances inside the tubes are liquid at the right temperature but most of it are solid rod-like structural shapes.
Product's information: LCD lights are becoming more and more popular due to its ability to be used in a any sort of electronic device as well as interior or exterior space due to its flexibility, small size, low energy efficiency and equal amount of light distributed.
Green attributes: Reduces energy consumption and has a long life cycle.
Manufacturer: The Led Light
Web address:
Product's information: LCD lights are becoming more and more popular due to its ability to be used in a any sort of electronic device as well as interior or exterior space due to its flexibility, small size, low energy efficiency and equal amount of light distributed.
Green attributes: Reduces energy consumption and has a long life cycle.
Manufacturer: The Led Light
Web address:
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